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Industry Call
for Innovation

 About CyberCall 2023

The Cybersecurity Industry Call for Innovation (CyberCall) enables companies to innovate on cybersecurity challenges put out by Critical Information Infrastructure and strategic stakeholders in Singapore. To uplift Singapore’s cybersecurity landscape, the CyberCall aims to:

  • Catalyse the development of innovative cybersecurity solutions to meet national  cybersecurity and strategic needs;

  • Develop a vibrant local cybersecurity ecosystem through the building of  advanced cybersecurity capabilities, as well as growing the pipeline of local talent;

  • Identify and articulate mid to long term cybersecurity challenges to encourage  the trial and adoption of novel solutions

Through this, CSA aims to strengthen the partners’ cybersecurity resilience, and catalyse the development of cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions in Singapore.

 About the Funding Scheme

CSA Cybersecurity Co-Innovation and Development Fund (CCDF)

The Cybersecurity Co-Innovation and Development Fund aims to catalyse the development of innovative cybersecurity solutions to meet national cybersecurity and strategic needs, with the potential for commercial application.

What it supports:

Qualifying costs, capped at $1,000,000 per project
Project duration of up to 24 months

More Details

What our Participants say

Cybersecurity Industry Call For
Innovation 2023 Timeline

Submit before 30 November 2023