2022 Innovators

Innovators Lookbook

Participating Organisations:

Participating Organisations:

2022 Challenge Statements

CS01: End-to-End Threat-based Cybersecurity Risk Management System

Develop a platform or tool to support end-to-end, threat-based cybersecurity risk management ...

CS02: Automated Governance of Users’ Permissions in Multi Cloud Environment

Develop a solution that can connect to multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to track ...

CS03: Automated Prioritization of Cloud Drift Remediation in Multi Cloud Environment

Develop a solution to detect, evaluate, prioritize, and remediate configuration drifts (CDs) ...

CS04: Non-Intrusive Data Collection from Isolated OT System

Develop a data enrichment layer for critical systems that allow remote response teams...

CS05: OT Kernel Prevention of Cyber Attacks

Construct a system within Operational Technology (OT) environment that stops cyber-attacks ...

CS06: OT Threat Vector Path Discovery on Digital Asset Map

Develop an automated solution that extracts the current network asset map and vulnerabilities ...

CS07: Privacy Preserving Digital Forensics

Preserving privacy of victim while allowing digital forensic searches and analytics to be performed on Personally ...

CSOC: Open Category

Innovative cybersecurity proposals that do not fulfil any of the Challenge Statements can be submitted under the "Open Category"...

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